Storm water
Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Stormwater BMP Inspection and Maintenance Resource Guide
June 2024, MnDOT 2024-09
Stormwater Pond Maintenance, and Wetland Management for Phosphorus Retention
June 2023, MnDOT 2023-25
Wet Pond Maintenance for Phosphorus Retention
June 2022, MnDOT 2022-20
Assessing Culverts in Minnesota: Fish Passage and Storm Vulnerability
November 2021, MnDOT 2021-29
Continued Monitoring of Stormwater Effluents from Filter Media in Two Bioslope Sites
June 2021, MnDOT 2021-15
Design and Construction of Infiltration Facilities
June 2021, MnDOT 2021-14
Sediment Control Log Performance, Design, and Decision Matrix for Field Applications
May 2019, MnDOT 2019-23
Development and Evaluation of Effective Turbidity Monitoring Methods for Construction Projects
July 2014, MnDOT 2014-24
A Research Plan and Report on Factors Affecting Culvert Pipe
Service Life in Minnesota
September 2012, MnDOT 2012-27
Assessment and Recommendations for the Operation of Standard Sumps as Best Management Practices for Stormwater Treatment (Volume 2)
May 2012, MnDOT 2012-13
Assessment and Recommendations for the Operation of
Standard Sumps as Best Management Practice for Stormwater
Treatment (Volume 1)
February 2011, MnDOT 2011-08
Improved Automatic Sampling for Suspended Solids
November 2010, MnDOT 2010-38
Hydrodynamic Separator Sediment Retention Testing
March 2010, Mn/DOT 2010-10
Cost Analysis of Alternative Culvert Installation Practices in Minnesota
June 2009, MnDOT 2009-20
Subsurface Drainage Manual for Pavements in Minnesota
June 2009, MnDOT 2009-17
Performance Assessment of Underground Stormwater Treatment Devices
November 2007, Mn/DOT 2007-46
The Cost and Effectiveness of Stormwater Management Practices
June 2005, Mn/DOT 2005-23
Laboratory Measurements of Stormwater Quality Improvement in Detention Ponds
March 2004, MnDOT 2004-21
Improving the Design of Roadside Ditches to Decrease Transportation-Related Surface Water Pollution
June 2003, Mn/DOT 2004-11
Intensity of Extreme Rainfall over Minnesota
November 1998, MnDOT 1998-09U
Active and Completed Projects
Assessing effectiveness of pond sediment removal for phosphorus management in stormwater ponds
Investigating real storms and the impact of potential climate change adaptations.
Development of Biochar Specification Criteria as Soil Amendment for Slopes, Conveyances and Stormwater Treatment Systems, Phase 1.
Managing urban pond vegetation to enhance water quality benefits
Wet Pond Modeling for Contaminant Retention and Maintenance
Updating the 2009 Stormwater BMP Maintenance Resource Guide
Addressing the research needs for the sustainable application of TDA in stormwater infiltration/treatment.
Steel Pipe Standards
Stormwater Pond Maintenance, and Wetland Management for Phosphorus Retention
Continued Monitoring of Stormwater Effluents from Filter Media in Two Bioslope Sites
Wet Pond Maintenance for Phosphorus Retention
Assessing Culverts in Minnesota: Fish Passage and Storm Vulnerability
Design and Construction of Infiltration Facilities
Characterization of Runoff Quality from Paved Low Volume Roads and Optimization of Treatment Methods
Erosion Control and Stormwater Management
Development and Evaluation of Effective Turbidity Monitoring Methods for Construction Projects
A Research Plan and Factors Effecting Service Life for Culvert Pipe Materials in Minnesota
Aqueous Pollutant Capture by Enhanced Filter Media
Assessment and Recommendations for Operation of Standard Sumps as Best Management Practices for Stormwater Treatment
Development of Design Methods for In-Stream Flow Control Structures
Estimating the Size Distribution of Suspended Sediments in Minnesota Stormwater
Cost Analysis of Alternative Culvert Installation Practices in Minnesota
Assessment of Underground Stormwater Management Devices under High Flow Conditions (E08PS05)
Assessment of Stormwater Management Practices on the Water Quality of Runoff
Assessment of Underground Stormwater Management Devices on the Water Quality of Runoff
Cost Effectiveness of Storm Water Runoff Best Management Practices for Water Quality Enhancement
Laboratory Measurements of Storm Water Quality Improvements in Detention Ponds
Improving the Design of Roadside Ditches
Intensity of Extreme Rainfall Events Over Minnesota