Principal Investigator(s):
Michael Pluimer, Director, Associate Professor, UMD-Civil Engineering
Project summary:
MnDOT is seeking some guidance on the lining of structurally deficient storm sewer and culvert pipes with smooth-walled pipes made from structural steel plate. The project is limited to round pipes ranging in diameter from 30 inches to 144 inches, and the approximate anticipated height of cover range is 1 foot to 30 feet. The goal is for the newly inserted and grouted pipe to maintain the structural and hydraulic capacity of the original host pipe. The University of Minnesota is tasked with completing a structural analysis of smooth-walled steel pipes to be used as a liner for existing structurally deficient pipes. The project will result in a series of fill height tables based on pipe diameter and wall thickness, and the analysis will be based on the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) methodology, as well as other design guidelines for buried pipes.
The project will consist of a literature review to determine the current smooth-wall steel pipe lining methods that are prevalent in the industry, the various existing design methodologies and guidelines utilized for these types of pipes and applications, and any other prevalent research related to the lining of structurally deficient pipes with smooth-walled steel pipes. Based on this information, the University will perform structural calculations to determine the fill heights of smooth-wall steel pipes with various wall thicknesses for typical applications, including the various loading and soil conditions found in Minnesota. The University will also include a discussion and provide example calculations of a hydraulic analysis for various re-lined projects. Finally, the University will conduct a finite element analysis (FEA) utilizing culvert analysis and design (CANDE) or other FEA software to support the fill height tables and structural calculations.