Hennepin County
- Strategies for promoting rider connections to suburban transitway stations
- The values of dedicated right of way to transit ridership and carbon emissions
- Transfer Behavior and Off-Peak Commutes
- Transitway Development and Commercial Gentrification
- Addressing Accessibility and Equity along Transitways (Design)
- Addressing Accessibility and Equity along Transitways
- Value of Transitways to Regional Economies: National and Twin Cities Perspectives
- Multimodal Connections with Transitways: Ridership, Access Mode, and Route Choice Implications - Phase II Analysis and Documentation
- A data-driven strategic planning tool for purchasing and maintenance of mobile equipment
- After Study of the Bus Rapid Transit 'A Line' Impacts
- Asset Management Peer Exchange Workshop Facilitation
- Those who Need it Most: Maximizing Transit Accessibility and Removing Barriers to Employment in Areas of Concentrated Poverty (Phase 3-Hennepin County)
- Specific Strategies for Achieving Transit-Oriented Economic Development: Applying National Lessons to the Twin Cities -- Phase 2
- Exploring Walking Tolerance of Transitway Users
- Spatial and Skills Mismatch of Unemployment and Job Vacancies: Opportunities for Integrated Transit and Workforce Development
- The Effects of Transitways on Auto Ownership and Auto Use: Evidence from the Hiawatha LRT
- Specific Strategies for Achieving Transit-Oriented Economic Development: Applying National Lessons to the Twin Cities -- Phase 1
- Economic Development Impacts of Bus Rapid Transit
- Transit Station and Stop Design and Travel Time Perceptions
- Evaluating Twin Cities Transitways' Performance and their Interaction with Traffic on Neighboring Major Roads
- Transportation, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Transitways: A Case Study of the Hiawatha Line
- Assessing Neighborhood and Social Influences of Transit Corridors
- Aggregating VMT Within Predefined Geographic Zones Using a Cellular Network
- Transitway Data Management Project
- Value-added: Impacts of the Proximity to Transitway Stations on Commercial Property Values
- Impact of Twin Cities Transitways on Regional Labor Market Accessibility: A Transportation Equity Perspective
- Understanding Transportation Impacts of Transitways: Demographic and Behavioral Differences between Transitway Riders and Other Transit Riders
- Community Transportation Outreach and Implementation for Hennepin County, 2007-08
- Economic Impacts of Transitways, Part 1: The Hiawatha Light Rail Line
- GPS Augmentation for Robust Lane Assistance on Cedar Avenue in Support of the Urban Partnership Agreement
- Establish and Support Transitway Impact Program Management Team
- Examining the Success of Bus Only Shoulder Lanes
- Access to Destinations: Parcel Level Land Use Data Acquisition & Analysis for Measuring Non-Auto Accessibility
- Estimating Running Time and Demand for a Bus Rapid Transit Corridor
- Access to Destinations: Monitoring land use activity changes in the Twin Cities Metropolitan region
- Access to Destinations: Twin Cities Metro-wide Traffic Micro-Simulation: Feasibility Investigation
- Access to Destinations: Refining Methods for Calculating Non-Auto Travel Times
- Studying the Needs of the Transportation Disadvantaged: Elderly and Developmentally Disabled
- Community Based Transportation: A Framework for Action
- In-Depth Examination of Urban Corridor Development