Research Reports
| Active and Completed Projects
Research Reports
Best Types of Commodity Flow Data for Freight, Railroad, and Ports and Waterways Studies
February 2023, MnDOT 2023-02
Accident Prediction Models using Macro and Micro Scale Analysis: Dynamic Tree and Zero Inflated Negative Binomial Models with Empirical Bayes Accident History Adjustment
February 2019, CTS 19-02
Improving Railroad Grade Crossing Safety: Accurate Prediction of Train Arrival Times for Emergency Response Management and Driver Decision Support
February 2019, CTS 19-03
Positioning, Planning and Operation of Emergency Response Resources and Coordination between Jurisdictions
February 2018, CTS 18-03
When and How Much Did the Green Line LRT Increase Single-Family Housing Values in St. Paul, Minnesota?
May 2017, 10.1177/0739456X17707811
Student Pass Program Provides Educational, Economic, and Societal Benefits (Research Brief)
February 2016, CTS Research Brief 2016-01
Assessing the Impacts of Student Transportation on Public Transit
December 2015, Metro Transit 2015
The Influences of the Hiawatha LRT on Changes in Travel
Behavior: A Retrospective Study on Movers
November 2015, CTS 15-10
Real Estate Development in Anticipation of the Green Line
Light Rail Transit in St. Paul
November 2015, CTS 15-09
Real Estate Development Impacts of Transitway Funding Announcements (Research Brief)
August 2015, CTS Research Brief 2015-01-V2
Ridership and Pedestrian Impacts of Transitways: A Case Study of Hiawatha Light-Rail Transit in Minneapolis (Research Brief)
March 2013, CTS Research Brief 2013-01
Transportation Impact of Transitways: A Case Study of Hiawatha
Light Rail Transit in Minneapolis
March 2013, CTS 13-13
Impacts of the Hiawatha Light-Rail Line on Commercial & Industrial Property Values in Minneapolis: A Transitway Impacts Research Program (TIRP) Research Brief
July 2010, CTS Research Brief 2010-03
Impacts of the Hiawatha Light Rail Line on Commercial and
Industrial Property Values in Minneapolis
June 2010, CTS 10-05
Linking Light Rail Transit to the City: Six Neighborhood Station Districts
August 1999, MnDOT 2000-01
Use of the 1992 ICC Public Use Waybill Sample to Analyze Corn Movements by Rail
March 1994, Mn/DOT P94-6
An Analysis of Canadian Rail Movements to the United States Using the 1992 Public Use Waybill Sample
March 1994, Mn/DOT P94-5
Evaluation of the E-TRAN vehicle propulsion concept
January 1994, Mn/DOT 1994-03
Underground Station Design Issues for Light Rail Transit in the Twin Cities Geology
January 1992, Regional Transit Center
Active and Completed Projects
Identify Best Types of Commodity Flow Data for Freight, Railroad, Ports and Waterways Studies
Improving Railroad Grade Crossing Safety: Positioning, Planning, and Operation of Emergency Response Resources and Coordination Between Jurisdictions
Improving Railroad Grade Crossing Safety: Accurate Prediction of Train Arrival Times for Emergency Response Management and Driver Decision Support
Improving Railroad Grade Crossing Safety: Accident Prediction Models Using Macro- and Micro-Scale Analysis
Assessing the Impacts of Student Transportation on City Buses and Trains
The Anticipation of Rail Transit and Real Estate Development: Evidence from Green Line in St. Paul
Understanding and Enhancing the Value of Freight Economy in Minnesota
The Impact of Light Rail Transit (LRT) on Sustainable Travel and Obesity
Transportation, Environmental, and Health Impacts of Transitways: A Case Study of the Hiawatha Line
Value-added: Impacts of the Proximity to Transitway Stations on Commercial Property Values
Intermodal Opportunities for Shortline Railroads in Minnesota
Reducing Risk Taking at Passive Railroad Crossings with Active Warnings
Linking the LRT to the City: The Hiawatha Districts
Grade Crossing Safety: Increasing Public Awareness of the Dangers