Transportation Equity Training for MnDOT

Principal Investigator(s):

Frank Douma, Director, State & Local Policy, Humphrey School of Public Affairs


  • Yingling Fan, Associate Dean for Faculty, Humphrey School of Public Affairs
  • Samuel Myers, Professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs

Project summary:

This project will create a training on transportation equity issues for MnDOT employees that is focused on decisions and conditions faced by Departments of Transportation. The training is meant to provide foundational information about transportation equity and the connections between equity and transportation policy, planning, design, and engineering in Minnesota. This will include definitions, concepts, and case studies demonstrating transportation equity principles and conditions in action for MnDOT staff to consider and foster in its own processes to produce equitable outcomes in and for the communities it serves. Pilot training sessions were held in January 2023, including assembled materials and a guidance document. An abbreviated Executive Training Session was held in April 2023, and a video to be used in new employee training has also been completed. Finally, a document to guide and facilitate replication of the main training module has been completed.

Project details: