Transportation Engineering and Road Research Alliance Board Support- Fiscal Year 2012-2013

Principal Investigator(s):

Stephanie Malinoff, Director, Outreach Services, Center for Transportation Studies


Project summary:

The purpose of this project is to continue support of a working Board and related committees for the TERRA organization. The main goal of the Transportation Engineering and Road Research Alliance is to bring the public sector, private sector, and academic sector together to create more opportunities in the pavement and road research industry. Key actions will be implementation and communication of road-related research. While the primary focus will be to expand pavement-related research opportunities, other compatible transportation engineering research will be pursued. The Board enhances the partnership between all organizations and provides a leadership organization for the industry. The Board will facilitate a more comprehensive research program with increased strategic focus on using the MnROAD test facility and associated resources for pavement-related objective research.

Project details: