Principal Investigator(s):
Gina Baas, Deputy Director, Center for Transportation Studies
Project summary:
The MnDOT Office of Transit has recently completed a statewide Transit Coordination Study. The purpose of the study was to establish a planning framework to educate public transit and human service transportation stakeholders at the local level (i.e., organizations responsible for transporting agency clients, students, and the general public) about the benefits of coordinating public transit and human service transportation, identify transit industry best practices in public transit and human service transportation coordination activities, and develop a statewide action plan for improving transportation coordination.
MnDOT has requested assistance from the Center for Transportation Studies to coordinate outreach activities related to the Study in order to broadly disseminate the results of the Study and aid in its implementation. Within this project, CTS will develop a transit coordination Web page on the Community Transportation Web site it administers and will coordinate and manage a one-day workshop on coordination best practices that were identified in the Study.