Support of Shared Mobility Collaborative in Advantage Shared Transportation Options

Principal Investigator(s):

Gina Baas, Deputy Director, Center for Transportation Studies

Project summary:

During the twelve month duration of this grant, the Center for Transportation Studies will support the Twin Cities Shared Mobility Collaborative (SMC) in its efforts to implement the strategies outlined in the Twin Cities Shared Mobility Action Plan. In addition, CTS and the SMC will work with McKnight to convene the region's public, private, non-profit, and academic sectors to discuss how shared mobility services and programs fit overall into the region's transportation system for the long-term. A potential outcome for these discussions would be an institutional shared commitment for supporting the work of the SMC in the future. The desired outcome for both of these efforts is to enhance the accessibility of the region's residents to jobs, health care, education, etc. in ways that are affordable and equitable to everyone.


Project details:

  • Project number: 2019063
  • Start date: 06/2019
  • Project status: Completed
  • Research area:
  • Topics: Shared mobility