Dynamics and Stability of Capsules in Pipeline Transportation

Principal Investigator(s):

Yiyuan Zhao, Former Associate Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics


  • D.D. Joseph, Former Professor, Aerospace Engineering & Mechanics

Project summary:

An underground pipeline system provides a promising alternative to the current truck transportation on congested highways. Such a pipeline system is especially well suited to Minnesota weather conditions. The idea is to move freight capsules in a pipe with linear induction motors. The proposed project seeks to establish governing equations for a multiple capsule pipeline system, to study the stability of various structures of such a system, and to discuss design implications. We will use a combination of nonlinear stability theories and extensive numerical simulations. Results of this study will reveal basic characteristics of and establish standards for the design and construction of pipeline transportation systems.

Project details:

  • Project number: 1994020
  • Start date: 09/1994
  • Project status: Completed
  • Research area: Transportation Safety and Traffic Flow
  • Topics: Freight, Intelligent vehicles

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