Bus Amenity Corridors: Structuring Transit Friendly Cities and Suburbs

Principal Investigator(s):

Mary Vogel, Senior Research Fellow, Center for Changing Landscapes


Project summary:

Using the principles and strategies developed in the project, Bus Linea as Amenity Corridor: Urban Design to Enhance Personal Safety and Increase Transit Use as a starting point, the project will explore the potential for building bus corridors within the metropolitan area. In the case study approach design methods will be used to analyze the metropolitan area for amenity line potential, select a case study corridor, identify those changes to the physical environment that are needed to transform the study corridor into a bus amenity line, and develop strategies for building that bus amenity line. The project's findings will be presented both verbally and graphically in the form of an urban design framework. The urban framework shall include A. The recommended route, its identity, its character, and its potential amenities B. Land uses along and contiguous to the line C. Circulation patterns for pedestrians, bicycles, cars, and buses D. Neighborhood connectors and separators E. Strategies for creating the character of the line F. Strategies for the transit vehicle itself (Frequency of service, characteristics of the vehicle) G. Other rubber tire transit strategies that can generate urban form and structure

Project details: