An Asphalt Paving Tool for Adverse Conditions

Principal Investigator(s):

David Newcomb, Former University Researcher, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering


  • Andrew Drescher, Former Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering
  • Vaughan Voller, Professor, Civil, Environmental and Geo-Engineering

Project summary:

The objective of the proposed work is to develop a computational tool that can be used as an aid in the identification of possible strategies for placing asphalt concrete under adverse conditions. The Asphalt Paving Tool (APT) will be used to identify optimum strategies for paving during late fall or at night, when cool temperatures shorten the time available for the compaction of lifts. This user-friendly program will have a state-of-the-art heat transfer model which will operate within an expert system in order to provide useful guidance for the current weather conditions and project constraints. It will be implemented on a lap-top computer for the maximum portability. It is envisioned that the user will have two levels of interaction with the APT. The first will be prior to the start of a day's construction. Here the user will provide information to the program such as the date, time of day, weather conditions, number and thicknesses of lifts, etc., and the program will provide some guidance such as the desired delivery temperature for the hot-mix and the amount of time available for compaction. At the second level, the user will provide updated information as the job progresses and will receive recommendations for process changes.

Project details:

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