Access in Appalachia Pilot Implementation

Principal Investigator(s):

Andrew Owen, Lead Researcher, Acc. Obsv., Center for Transportation Studies

Project summary:

The Project will produce a launch point for larger applications across the 13-state Appalachian region. In addition, the measures and applications developed during the project can be integrated into the National Accessibility Evaluation for the benefit of other states and regions. Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina will gain new insights from the data sets and maps produced by the Project for evaluating access gaps by demographic groups, modes, and regions. The states' participation and technical guidance on the Project strengthens the connection to project prioritization and decision-making processes in the region.

Project details:

  • Project number: 2022051
  • Start date: 04/2022
  • Project status: Active
  • Research area:
  • Topics: Accessibility metrics

Reports or Products: