Camila Fonseca Sarmiento
- Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness FY25
- Study on Post-COVID Pandemic Public Transportation
- Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness FY24
- Arts + Culture for Construction Mitigation: Hwy 250 in Lanesboro, MN
- Mitigating community harms of dense highway infrastructure "spaghetti junctions"
- Advancing Equity in Capital Investment Decision-Making
- Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness FY23
- Funding shared mobility services as an extension of existing public transit services
- Transportation Policy and Economic Competitiveness FY22
- Enhancing Managed Lane Equity Analysis
- Identify Best Types of Commodity Flow Data for Freight, Railroad, Ports and Waterways Studies
- The Impact of Deferred Maintenance in Minnesota
- Assessing the economic effects of context sensitive main street highways in small cities