Simplified Design Table For Minnesota Concrete Pavements


Derek Tompkins, Lev Khazanovich

July 2014

Report no. MnDOT 2014-27

The project "Simplified Design Table for Minnesota Concrete Pavements" led to the creation of MnPCC-ME, a standalone 32-bit Windows executable program to replace the preexisting RigidPave. Whereas RigidPave was based upon the outdated AASHTO 1993 design procedure for rigid pavements, MnPCC-ME is based on MEPDG version 1.1, a mechanistic-empirical design procedure that accounts for the effects of traffic loading and environment. Furthermore, MnPCC-ME was localized for Minnesota pavements through: 1) the use of local climate data and weigh-in-motion traffic data; 2) the incorporation of previously conducted calibrations of the MEPDG for Minnesota pavements; and 3) the inclusion of advanced analysis features included in MnPCC-ME's flexible design counterpart, MnPAVE. The development and source code of MnPCC-ME is detailed in this final report.

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