Rural Roads, Investment and Disinvestment in a Minnesota County
Jerry Fruin, Dan Halbach
October 1992
Report no. Mn/DOT P92-25
An adequate road system is essential for the economic and social well-being of the U.S. rural population. The typical rural family relies on the road system for essential communication between town and city service centers. Children are bused to school. Farm produce is shipped, farm supplies are delivered, and repair parts, groceries, and household supplies are purchased many times throughout the week. Many vehicles, such as school buses and milk trucks, require year-round accessibility. Many rural families have one or more members who commute to factory or service jobs just as regularly as families who live in the cities. It is neither possible nor desirable for rural families to live in isolation. This paper examines the impact of new vehicle technologies, weights and road uses have on rural roads in comparison with urban roads.
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