Remaining Service Life Asset Measure, Phase 1
Ravi Kumar, Jhenyffer Matias de Oliveira, Arturo Schultz, Mihai Marasteanu
July 2018
Report no. MnDOT 2018-23
There is a critical need to use a common metric, such as a service life parameter, across many different types of infrastructure assets. MnDOT has used the remaining service life (RSL) measure for pavement condition for several years and is starting to use it for bridge condition. In this study, researchers examined what has been done to date and what tools and methodologies are available nationally and internationally, and made recommendations on a future measure that can be used to show the "true" condition of the system. First, a literature review was performed to summarize current methods used in asset management and life-cycle cost analyses. A survey was also performed to collect information from agencies around the country. An assessment of current practice used by MnDOT Bridge Office and Materials and Road Research Office was performed next to identify similarities and differences between the two approaches. Based on the information collected, suggestions for a common method were presented and guidelines for a work plan for a follow-up phase 2 were developed.
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