Practical Methods for Analyzing Pedestrian and Bicycle Use of a Transportation Facility
Guruprasad Somasundaram, Vassilios Morellas, Nikolaos Papanikolopoulos
February 2010
Report no. Mn/DOT 2010-06
Analysis of Practical Methods for Counting Bicycling and Pedestrian Use of a Transportation Facility
The objective of the project is to analyze existing technologies used for the process of generating counts of bicycles and pedestrians in transportation facilities such as walk and bicycle bridges, urban bicycle routes, bicycle trails etc. The advantages and disadvantages of each existing technology which is being applied to counting has been analyzed and some commercially available products were listed. A technical description of different methods that were considered for vision based object recognition is also mentioned along with the reasons as to why such methods were overlooked for our problem. Support Vector Machines were used for classification based on a vocabulary of features built using interest point detectors. After finalizing the software and hardware, five sites were picked for filming and about 10 hours of video was acquired in all. A portion of the video data was used for training and the remainder was used for testing the algorithm's accuracy. Results of counts are provided and an interpretation of these results is provided in this report. Upon detailed analysis the reasons for false counts and undercounting in some cases have been identified and current work concerns dealing with these issues. Changes are being made to the system to improve the accuracy with the current level of training and make the system available for practitioners to perform counting.
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