Genesis Operational Test of Advanced Traveler Information System: Personal Communication Devices in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area
October 1992
Report no. 1992 Genesis
The access to enhanced real-time traveler information is widely accepted as one of the cornerstones of any intelligent highway system. In the majority of IVHS programs currently underway in the United States, access to information is limited by the location of a fixed receiver. This receiver may be typically fixed in-vehicle or at an information kiosk for example. The concept behind Minnesota Guidestar ?s Genesis initiative, however, is different. The concept behind Genesis is that real-time information will be made available to users throughout the Twin Cities metropolitan operational test area. As a key element in the evolving Guidestar transportation system, the objective of Genesis is to operationally test and evaluate the effectiveness of a portable digital personal communications device (PCD). This PCD will provide the user with real-time, route-specific information on the operating conditions of highway and mass transit systems and other personal-use types of information. The traveler will use this information to make informed modal, route and rerouting decisions. Genesis will maximize the use of existing transportation systems through reduced levels of congestion and will result in the growth of those systems through increased transit usage.
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