Development of an integrated simulation package for freeway design, operations and adaptive traffic management. Phase 1: enhancement of the Kronos simulation program


Panos Michalopoulos, Eil Kwon, Chifung Lee, G Mahadevan

January 1992

Report no. 1992 Kronos

The main purpose of this project is to make KRONOS, a microcomputer-based freeway simulation program under development operational by resolving the following problems problems: detailed field testing and adjustments of the program with real freeway data, analysis of sensitivities in simulation models with respect to the variations in input data, and enhancements of the input/output module to be suitable for the Mn/DOT planning environment.

In addition, a new simulation module to treat special types of freeway segements incluing merging/diverging of two freeways is developed and incorporated into KRONOS in this project. The major accomplisments made in this project are summarized.

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