CEO Engagement Options for Discussing Strategic Issues and Sharing Best Practices
Robert Johns, Gina Baas, Arlene Mathison
January 2005
Report no. 2005 CEO Engagement
This report presents the results of a study of options for engaging state DOT CEOs in the discussion of strategic issues and the sharing of best practices in strategic management. The study documented existing mechanisms for state DOT CEO interaction and information exchange, conducted a literature search to identify current research on CEO networking in the private sector, and scanned current practices in executive information services. In addition, current state DOT CEOs were surveyed on their preferences for engaging other CEOs and for gathering information on strategic management issues. A subgroup of CEOs was also interviewed for their reaction to preliminary recommendations developed during this study. The final recommendations and implementation plan include a menu of options in the areas of information resources, forums and discussions, and information exchange, and suggest an initial 24-month pilot project where selected options are implemented in a coordinated effort.
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