CTS Spring Luncheon: Current Landscape and Future Vision of Shared Mobility

This year’s Spring Luncheon will feature Caroline Samponaro, leader of micromobility policy at Lyft and longtime bike and pedestrian advocate in New York City. Samponaro’s discussion will touch upon the lessons from her own professional journey and dive into Lyft’s new role as the largest bikeshare operator in America.

Her presentation will also explore what’s changing and what’s working across the larger shared mobility industry—from the quick rise of the electric scooter to Lyft’s expansion of pioneering bikeshare networks across the country. In addition, Samponaro will examine issues such as safe streets and transportation equity, as well as what the future holds for our transportation networks and cities.

The luncheon will be held June 5 at the Graduate Minneapolis Hotel on the University of Minnesota campus.


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Michael McCarthy