In April, CTS introduced a group of high school girls to transportation-related research and education opportunities at the U of M.
The visit was organized by TransportationYOU, a mentoring program of the Minnesota Chapter of the Women’s Transportation Seminar (WTS) that encourages girls ages 13–18 to pursue transportation careers.
During their visit, 11 students from Blaine High School and 4 students from Wellstone International High School got a tour of the HumanFIRST Laboratory from lab director Nichole Morris and heard a presentation on automated vehicles from Humphrey School professor Yingling Fan. Other activities included a campus walking tour and an admissions information session. Students also had lunch with U of M student members of the Society of Women Engineers and the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers.
The day wrapped up with a transportation research activity on the Washington Avenue Transit/Bike/Pedestrian Mall. Working in groups, the students observed activity on the street, looking for problems or potential problems and identifying strategies for improving the flow or user experience of pedestrians and cyclists on the mall.