Fall research webinars: Recordings now available

35w bridge at night

CTS’s fall webinars highlighted a wide range of ongoing University of Minnesota research. If you were unable to join us for the live events, recordings of all four webinars are now available.

  • Ten-Year Review of I-35W Bridge Instrumentation and Data Interpretation: U of M civil, environmental, and geo- engineering (CEGE) associate professor Lauren Linderman discussed the I-35W bridge’s extensive instrumentation system, which features more than 500 sensors, and highlighted key results from a 10-year review of collected data.
  • Innovative Strategies for Last-Mile Delivery in Urban Areas: This presentation, featuring CEGE assistant professor Alireza Khani and Miguel Figliozzi from Portland State University, explored how innovative methods such as delivery robots and shared lockers could provide solutions for last-mile delivery in urban areas.
  • Exploring a Smart Cloud Commuting Service: This webinar offered a brief overview of an NSF-funded project focused on using shared autonomous vehicles as part of a “smart cloud commuting service.” Distinguished McKnight University Professor Zhi-Li Zhang (computer science) and Yanhua Li (Worcester Polytechnic Institute) shared two preliminary studies exploring the feasibility of the system.
  • How Transportation Can Help Reduce Minnesota’s Carbon Footprint: This webinar featured two presentations focused on reducing transportation-related greenhouse gas emissions in Minnesota. Mechanical engineering associate professor Will Northrop discussed his work on intelligent energy management systems for commercial electric trucks, and MnDOT principal sustainability planner Siri Simons reviewed MnDOT’s Pathways to Decarbonizing Transportation in Minnesota project.


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Michael McCarthy